CommCore Blog and News

Owning the Room: Take Ownership of Yourself First

Changes at work we recognize:

·     You have been promoted to a position of authority after years as a behind-the-scenes worker bee


·     You have switched jobs as a manager at a non-profit with a laid back atmosphere to a leadership role at a fast-paced corporation


·     Your boss – who usually runs staff meetings and makes decisions – is absent and for the first time and has tapped you to take his or her place in charge


How well you handle such changes requires changing how you are perceived by others. Being smart and competent is one thing; projecting leadership and authority is another, especially when, as a recent Wall Street Journal feature story reported, colleagues have you pigeon-holed in an old, more subservient and less visible role.
As communications consultants and coaches, we at CommCore recognize that self-awareness is as important an ingredient to changing how you are perceived as any communications coaching and training you may receive. Conveying leadership qualities is not just about knowing your audience and delivering your message clearly and in a compelling manner, crucial as both are. It’s also about owning how you project your persona in a meeting, briefing or media interview, and taking the time in advance to practice, get critiqued, and prepare:


·    Have a clear agenda, messages, and desired outcome


·    Make eye contact and speak clearly, briefly and with confidence


·    Listen, and acknowledge others’ valid points without getting sidetracked


·    Wrap up a meeting on time and with clear action items


·    Look the part in appropriate dress and style


·    Rehearse with colleagues or a coach