CommCore Blog and News

Who do you trust?

“If it’s on the Internet, it must be true,” is the decade-old one-line joke about trusting bad information on the Web.
In today’s social media world concern about credibility is exponentially greater than in the good old days of search when you had to find information on the Internet; now the information finds you.
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The Employee Cost of Reputation Mismanagement

Damage to your company’s reputation not only hurts  revenue and sales, it will also hinder your organization’s attractiveness to current and potential employees.
According to a recent survey by Corporate Responsibility Magazine and Allegis Group Services, nearly three quarters of Americans  — 69% — say they would rather be unemployed than work for a company that has a bad reputation.
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Owning the Room: Take Ownership of Yourself First

Changes at work we recognize:

·     You have been promoted to a position of authority after years as a behind-the-scenes worker bee


·     You have switched jobs as a manager at a non-profit with a laid back atmosphere to a leadership role at a fast-paced corporation


·     Your boss – who usually runs staff meetings and makes decisions – is absent and for the first time and has tapped you to take his or her place in charge


How well you handle such changes requires changing how you are perceived by others.
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